Getting married?

Wedding Packages

Full-service wedding officiant

We will meet to discuss the vision you have for your ceremony. I will work with you to create a ceremony that reflects the unique personality of your love.

Starting at $350

Intimate Ceremony

Small guest list. Takes place at a private home or property. Basic elements of a legal ceremony with a little warmth and intimacy.

Starting at $250

Legalities only

Present is Bride, Groom, Officiant and 2 witnesses.

Starting at $150

I am fully booked for weddings in 2023 and 2024. If interested in legality only, please feel free to contact me.


Sharing the love…

"I called upon Brianne to officiate my wedding after being present at a ceremony where her personal touches were funny, heartwarming and on point."

— V. Dahmer

"You made us feel super comfortable and not nervous at all. So many people came up to us afterwards saying how great the ceremony was."

— B. & J.